Endangered wild animals | Guide

Animales salvajes en peligro

A brief but important guide on what to do if you encounter wild animals during your mountain excursion.

Make sure your mountain excursion doesn’t result in orphaned animals and depreciated lives.

Endangered wild animals on the road

Endangered wild animals for you and for them.
A collision with a red deer can have fatal results

Keep your eyes open when driving. Be vigilant and, if a wild animal approaches, brake. Animals need to pass over roads in search of food. Respect them. You will prevent accidents and protect animals.

Squirrels in danger on the roads.
Many squirrels lose their lives on the roads

Special attention to squirrels

Squirrels cross the road alerted and worried about getting food. Attention, braking your car is not enough! Stop and wait for the squirrel to disappear into the vegetation.

Squirrels are nervous animals. Often they are already on the other side of the road, you accelerate and at that moment they rethink and get back on the road. The results are terrible. Not only that under the wheels of your car ends the life of an animal. The squirrel’s offspring, which depend on their mother, will die abandoned.

Endangered animals in fields and forests

Endangered wild animal offspring
Roe deer are born very small and weak Their mother watches over them from afar

Roe deer fawns

If you find roe deer fawns, leave them alone and move away quickly and quietly, no matter how tiny and sluggish they seem to you. Roe deer are born that way and don’t need your help.

Their mother takes care of them. When they are born, she cleans them so that they do not smell. ( She even eats their droppings so that they don’t attract the keen sense of smell of predators). Since the mother does smell, she watches them from a distance. She comes over just to give them milk and clean them again or, if necessary, to dump a fox.

Don’t touch the fawns! Often mothers do not accept fawns petted by a person and the offspring will die.

Endangered wild animals
Foxes learn quickly if they get used to eating from people they stop hunting

Endangered animals in picnic areas

Foxes begging for food

How beautiful foxes are! And how thrilled we are when they come to us asking for food. But please be responsible. Do not feed them and don’t leave the remains of your picnic in nature.

The function of a fox in the wild is to maintain balance. Today, with the overpopulation of rabbits, more than ever. If a fox gets used to eating from people it will seek a comfortable life near us. Their life and their important role in nature will be depreciated.

Be respectful to wild animals. Teach these values to your children.

Because protecting animals is a matter for all of us.


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